Meet your new AI assistant.
Engineered to save you time. Designed to your likeness.
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The Spotlight is on
Top creators need to invest hours chatting to build & nurture whales.
Engaging with fans becomes emotionally draining.
The more your following grows, the less personable you can be.
AI that Gives
Super Powers
Built by You
Customized to your personality
Built to Engage
Driven to build deep connection with each fan
Built for Profit
Programmed to earn more tips and sell PPVs
How Do We Work?
We don't require your login credentials. You control when you want your AI turned on.
AI customized to your personality, and always learning. Your fans will get the best & newest version of U!
Whether you have 10 fans or 10,000, your AI gives each fan their desired level of attention.
We Have Answers.
What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of technology that allows machines to perform tasks that would require human intelligence, such understanding language and making decisions.
How does the AI learn?
Your AI learns from every chat with your fans! Down to every detail: your chatting tone and style, to even the specific emojis you use.
If I want to send messages, will the AI still work?
Yes! You can choose between Co-Pilot (message suggestions), or turn on Auto-Pilot for whichever fans you want to send automatic replies!
How does it work if you don’t need my login credentials?
Because we are an application on your computer, we are only active when you’re logged in!